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Tapestry online learning journal

Tapestry is an easy-to-use online learning journal, Tapestry enables us, as a setting and parents to record, track and celebrate children's progress in early years education.


Tapestry enhances this special time, helping us as teachers and practitioners to capture  the children's experiences as well as monitor development and learning. This unique journal is shared securely with families to enable you to see special moments and view your child's progress.


Text, images and videos can be easily uploaded via PC, tablet or by using the mobile app - anywhere there's an online connection. Every entry helps to create a complete story of your child's time at Steady Steps Nursery and Pre-School.


Frequently asked questions

Can i add things to my child's journal?

Absolutely, we encourage families to interact with Tapestry.  We love to see what the children are doing at home. You can also reply to observations added by us. 


Who can see my child's learning journal?

Only staff at our Steady Steps can see your child's learning journal. The Early Years Practice Manager  and both Room leaders have admin access to monitor observations added  and to track that all children are making good progress.. Occasionally there maybe children in the background of photos or children may be working together.


How do I log in?

You will need to add your username – which is the email address you have given us and the password that you set up the first time you log on.
You can either go through the web page or download the app (EYLJ).


What will happen to the information when my child leaves Steady Steps Nursery and Pre-school?

When your child leaves we will export the journal to a PDF.  We will give this to you on a memory stick at your Child's graduation celebration in the July that they leave us.  Your child’s journal will also be transferred to their new school if they also use Tapestry.

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