A PANCO is a recognised and credible qualification that supports our setting to meet Ofsted requirements regarding childrens health and nutrition. It enables us to support the prevention of obesity through the promotion of best practice for employees, children, and families. It is high quality, evidence-based innovative and practical training.
Having a qualified PANCo within our setting helps us to develop and demonstrate best practice in the Prime Areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.
A PANCo is part of the wider The PANCo Programme that adopts a holistic approach that supports the well-being of children, families and Early Years staff teams through positive sustainable change by providing a framework of best practice.
It is a statutory requirement that Early Years Settings promote good oral health for all children that attend.
At Steady Steps, we do this by encouraging our children and families to take part in our toothbrushing scheme
All children are provided with a toothbrush and are encouraged to take part in toothbrushing sessions as part of our daily routine.
Brushes are stored hygienically and are changed in regular cycles.
The Statutory Framework for the Early Years foundation stage states:
‘3.45. The provider must promote the good health, including the oral health, of children attending the setting.’